Sunday, July 26, 2015

July Favorites!

I am in shock, July can't be over already. This is ridiculous, summer is literally flying by. Last thing I remember I was counting down the days until Europe, and now I'm already home from camp! Anyway, I'm going to keep this short in order to fully embrace every last second of summer, here are a few things that I've been loving this past month!

TV SHOW// Lie to Me. A short little show that I discovered on Netflix while I was in Europe and can't wait to finish up! (On Deck: Tudors)

SONG// Tear in My Heart. Such a jam song that my friend and I accidentally discovered a while ago like a week before it got super popular.

BOOK//  The Other Boelyn Girl. Expect an apology post later on in the week because I have totally abandoned the books I had said that I would be reading this summer in this post. I got sidetracked by the drama of old England, explained in an engulfing way by Philippa Gregory. My mom found the book The Other Boelyn Girl at a flea market in Cambridge and bought it for me because she had read them as a teenager and loved them. Once I had read it I found that I actually understood some of the English lineage when I visited the various castles. Now I'm on the hunt for a used The Boelyn Inheritance!

MAKEUP ITEM// Benefit Cream Eyeshadow in RSVP. I had been eying this for a while and then one day I was in Macy's and just decided to go for it; and I'm glad I did. It will last me forever because I barely need any each time I use it. It looks great and I love the consistency of it, it's super light on my eyelids.

STORE// Topshop. We've had a small Topshop section in our Nordstrom but I was never all that into it. Then recently I found myself looking though the stuff there more and actually taking a real liking to a few of their less edgy pieces. So I went to an actual store in London, and loved it! I got the coolest black flowy blouse and these shoes that I am head over heels (haha so punny) for.

What have you been into this past July?

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