Monday, July 13, 2015

A wee little update

I am thoroughly exhausted. In the past 10 days since I've last blogged, I've visited England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and now back to London; but I've never been happier. These past two weeks have been better than I could have ever imagined and I feel so lucky to have been able to take this trip. (Shoutout to my parents for not leaving me home) Now having said that, I hope that one might understand why I my blogging has been scarce, it's a bit hard to do so, especially considering the bus I was on and the hotels we were in were supposed to have wifi and while they did, it was, shall I say a bit temperamental and therefore not readily available everywhere. And so, I think that it might be best for me to do a few recap posts throughout the next month rather than attempt to fit my entire trip into one post now because frankly, it would probably be rubbish, alright, cheerio! (really feeling the British slang here.)

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