Friday, July 3, 2015

{head over heels} -Days 1&2 in London

Before we left, my dad would not shut up about how he thought I would fall in love with London and want to move there forever. So naturally I ignored him and assumed that he was wrong, because who likes to admit that someone else is right? Well, as much as I hate to admit defeat; I'm in love. I feel so comfortable in this city, even though I have absolutely no frickin clue where I'm going 80% of the time. I don't know how to describe it, I think it might be the people, so far all of the people I've spoken to have been extremely nice and generous. Also, everyone here is from all over the place, you walk ten feet and can hear at least 3 different languages being spoken around you. It's amazing. My mom and I keep talking about how it feels like New York City, except that it's about half as crowded and the overall pace of the atmosphere is much slower. Coming from the DC area where everyone is rushed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, a change of pace is more than welcome. 

Plus, don't even get me started on the architecture; I've never been so shutter happy in my entire life. It seems as though every time you turn a corner, the streets and buildings are almost begging me to to take their photos. (ps follow me on instagram for a photographic look into my time in the UK) I've been taking pictures of everything. Especially when I'm supposed to be doing other things, like watch where I'm going and things of that nature. 

Today we went to the cutest antique shop near Abbey Street and spent almost 3 hours just browsing around the coolest little stands. All of the vendors so many things on each table it was hard to distinguish what was what sometimes. However, both my parents and myself got some really cool things, all reasonably priced. I got two old (new to me at least) cameras to add to my collection, my dad got a war watch from 1905 and my mom got some really interesting gold charms to put onto a necklace. It was way more walking than I had expected (and would have preferred) but it was totally worth it. 

By the end of the day today we took a boat ride to Westminster, and got just a quick glance at Big Ben and the London Eye before the tube back to the hotel. We'll be going back later in the week so I wasn't too invested in the photo opportunities around there. Plus, it's suuuuper tourist-y around that area, (who am I kidding, I'm a tourist) so it wasn't as enjoyable as the really authentic London areas that we'd been to yesterday and today. Overall, I've been having the best time so far!  

xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

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