Friday, April 17, 2015

{Stepping into Spring}

I'd like to put the right foot forward when it comes time to talk about spring shoes. Ha ha ha, so punny. Anyway, despite my major allergies, Spring is pretty great. Here in Maryland, the winter lasts long into March so when warmer weather finally rolls around and with it bright, beautiful colors, everyone in the state is pretty grateful, this year included! 
Now while a lot of people tend to jump right into summer clothes, I try to ease myself into it.  So I make a few changes here and there, and mainly focus on bringing brighter colors into rotation. But hey, what's Spring without a few new things? Which is where new shoes become important. 
Now I'm not the biggest fan of open-toed shoes. My mom loves to tell the story about the time in eighth grade that I wore sneakers to the beach in St. Thomas because I hated flip flops so much. But, as I've gotten older, I've become a bit more open minded, and do wear sandals pretty frequently in the summer. But even having said that, I try to remain in closed-toed shoes for as long as possible
(whoops.) Here are a few that I really like for Spring!

(fyi, I've already bought the pink vans from JCrew and I am obsessed.)

xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

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