Wednesday, April 8, 2015

{What's in My Carry On}

Traveling is probably one of my favorite things to do. I've been flying since I was little and have since grown to be obsessed with anything travel related. Flying, airports, planes, car rides, rest stops; anything. I love traveling; every aspect of it. So the fact that I am flying to Memphis tomorrow to visit one of my best friends is pretty exciting for me.
Now despite how much I love to fly, it does come with a lot of preparation, which is why I tend to gravitate towards the same few things that I seem to be needing in my carry-on every time I fly. Here they are!

Earbuds//Longchamp//iPod//Book//Hand Lotion//Magazines//Wallet//Sunglasses//Pinch Kit

xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

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