Friday, May 1, 2015

{Lilly x Target}

All I have to say about Lilly for Target is wow. Oh my god, the stories I've heard are insane. One of my friends told me that she had to physically shove someone within 5 minutes of the store's opening just to get the pants she wanted. And so, just like any other blogger, I feel the need to share my Target Lilly story. So here goes.
We sort of missed Lilly for Target.  On the nineteenth, I had a regatta (#crewislife) and had to drive all the way up to Philadelphia and back. So my mom and I hadn't really focused on it until around 7 AM when we both freaked out because we had forgotten. My mom went on the Target website, only to discover that everything on site was either sold out, or crashing due to the insane amount of people trying to order online. It was then that we thought we would never see Lilly x Target again. 
But, the next day my mom, (who definitely wins mom of the year by the end of this story) went to four different Targets to find what was left over or had been returned. And she found a phone case, some candle holders, and two headbands! So she kept going. From last Sunday to today, my mother has probably been to Target at least 15 times. In the past five days. If that's not dedication then I don't know what is. And all of her efforts have paid off! 
In summation, if I had to take something meaningful away from this absolutely crazy experience, it's that patience does in fact pay off. We weren't the first people in the store, fighting for that last Lilly flip-flop; but we still managed to get an amazing haul! Here are a few things that  I got! (not everything I got is pictured) 
xoxo, Chesapeake Classic


  1. Lovely! Have a nice week sweetie!

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