Monday, October 3, 2016

Fall Bucket List

Happy Monday/Jewish New Year/National Mean Girls Day everyone, (#it'sOctober3rd)!

Today has been extremely boring, filled with college essays and homework. Ew. However, my immense workload is slightly lightened by the fact that it's officially Fall and it shouldn't get higher than 73 degrees for the rest of the week. It's not ideal pumpkin patch weather, but it's getting there, baby steps, guys.

 When I say that Fall is my favorite season, I'm really not messing around. I love the weather, the fact that you can't go outside with a sweater or jacket, the smells, colors, holidays, (guess who's turning 18 in November??) and the food. I am 10000% obsessed with autumn and anyone who says that they like Fall more than me is, in my opinion, delusional. I mean you'd be hard pressed to find anyone happier than me on Fall's rainy, chilly, overcast days.

Obviously I couldn't be more excited for the season's festivities, so I thought that even though we're only a few days into October, I should post my Fall Bucket List!

photo via 

I'll do my best to keep you guys updated on how I'm doing with the list, perhaps doing separate posts for each one I complete...? We'll see. I've already made some headway as I've gone to one of our high school football games, but the heat was sweltering so it doesn't really count as a Fall activity in my opinion.

What are you planning on doing this Fall?
xoxo, LC

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