Wednesday, October 5, 2016

As Seen On TV- Spencer Hastings

As I mentioned in my last post, Fall is my favorite time of year. Seriously- it doesn't get any better than this. One of my favorite things about Fall, (oh you know besides the food, smells, and colors) is the fashion. It's cold enough to stop sweating right when you step out the door, regardless of how little clothing you wear, but it's not so cold that it gets into your bones and you can't remember what it feels like to be warm again.

One of my other favorite things, regardless of the season, is to get outfit inspiration from my favorite TV characters. It's so simple and effortless, yet when I show up to school looking like I spent some serious time putting myself together, I look like I actually have the time and energy to pull myself together.

The character I tend to emulate most often is Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars. Her style is impeccable and most days, I'm just as busy as she is, if not more so. Her love for coffee mirrors mine and her dedication to her schoolwork keeps me on track if I'm feeling a little lazy. My favorite looks of hers are for the colder weather, so in honor of the beginning of October, here are a few of my favorites!

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I love this look because of how simple and timeless it is. I also love her hair in this picture, it's loosely curled and not in ringlets like Allison tends to do. This seems pretty easy to recreate and doesn't feature any top tier brands that I, unlike the exclusive Hastings, can't afford at 17 years old. 

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Troian Bellisario has legs that go on for miles, and so I, who am stuck at 5'2, tend to stay away from thigh high socks and riding boots. I simply don't have enough leg. However, I do love the concept of riding boots and skirts for Fall, it's one that I find myself recreating quite often. This look in particular is a bit too overdone for me, but I like the idea of a patterned and structured skirt with a simpler top. I think that I may recreate a variation of this with a striped skirt and plain top, or even with a simple skirt and patterned top. 

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This look is a bit edgier but I love her combo of the cape and riding/biker boots. The cape is extremely classic, but she makes it edgier and more versatile with the boots, a combination that I want to delve into a bit this season. Capes are also a new obsession of mine, and though I would never in a million years wear one to school, I'll keep my eye on one that isn't too expensive for college, especially if I end up in a cooler climate. 

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The only thing that I can't stand about this look is the teal sleeves. Aside from those, it's perfect. Between the olive blazer, the simple white button down, and the plaid skirt, I can't get enough. This look is exactly what I think of when I think Fall attire, and I have my eye on this plaid skirt to maybe recreate it. 

Who's look are you mimicking this season?
xoxo, LC

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