Happy Thursday everyone, we're almost to Memorial Day Weekend! This week has honestly flown by so quickly, it's ridiculous to think that in about two weeks I'll be taking my finals and then a junior in high school. That's insane.
Anyway, today's post is about fitness! Mainly inspired by this video I saw of Michelle Obama on twitter yesterday, but also because crew season just ended and the time has come for me to work out on my own. Yes, feel free to shed a tear. No, it's really not that bad, I am just much more motivated to when I'm with my friends and we're actually out on the water. Not only is crew over, but the thought of being in a bikini all summer scares the living daylights out of me, so consistently working out is pretty important right now.
I am extremely grateful that my family has an elliptical, rowing machine, and a treadmill in the house so it's pretty easy to work out at home. My dad is also retired air force so if we need to use a gym we just go down to Walter Reed (a military base and hospital) and use theirs, they have the nicest pool. I've tried running outside, but in the humid Maryland summers I really don't see that working out too well for me. Here are a few tips for working out on your own! xx
Invest in Clothing- I know a lot of people think that workout clothes are a waste because all you do is sweat in them, but I definitely recommend investing in some cute gear. It doesn't have to be expensive, but I know that I always feel more powerful when I feel good about my body and know that I look cute. Doesn't sound like much, but is a serious game-changer for me.
Get on a Schedule- Routine is key here. When transitioning from a structured, practice-every-day life into a practice-free life, it can be hard to stick with a fitness routine. That's why making a schedule is so important. If you write down when you plan to work out, the odds of actually going through with it are much higher!

*via pinterest*
What do you do to stay fit? xoxo, Chesapeake Classic
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