Monday, November 21, 2016

Photographer, but not really.

Hello people of the internet, long time no chat! I wish that I could say my lack of blogging can be entirely accredited to the fact that I am a high school senior who decided that it would be a good idea to apply to seven schools each with various questions and supplements, but I can't place the entirety of the blame on the college application system (despite how infuriating it may be at times). Part of my lack of blogging is on me out of sheer laziness and for that I am deeply sorry. Perhaps at some later date you may be able to forgive me, I hope that day is in the near future as my goal in life is to make as many new friends as possible, and I certainly do not want to get off on the wrong foot with anyone.

Anyway, lately I've been thinking a lot about photography/videography, and my place in the moment-capturing community. I've been into photography for as long as I can remember, in fact I still have my first point-and-shoot Pentax camera that ate up double A batteries like you wouldn't believe. I remember how much I loved that piece of junk (because let's face it, it was a piece of junk then, and is a piece of junk now) and carried it with me everyday, taking snapshots of my life as an eight year old.

I want to recapture that feeling. I remember being head-over-heels obsessed with photography and wanting nothing more than to learn about the inner-working of my camera, what made it tick and what would allow me to manipulate it to capture the best of every moment. I have a car. I have a camera. And now I have the time. What's stopping me from just getting out there and taking some, for lack of a better word, rad pictures? Maryland can be photogenic. And even it's not, it is my responsibility to tackle job of making it appear so.

This past summer was supposed to be my chance to delve further into photography and perhaps dabble with videography, and I got too caught up in the mechanics of the process. I got some awesome footage and have had a blast putting a bit of it together, but so far nothing I have created has been "wow" worthy. I think that videography might have to be placed on the back burner for a while, as I am recommitting myself to photography.

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and am in the process of working out the kinks for a website. For now, it is simply a place for me to get all of my best photos in one spot other than my hard drive, but who knows what it may evolve into. I guess you'll just have to stick around and find out!

That just about sums it up, thanks for reading!
xoxo, LC

P.S. On a totally unrelated note, a couple days ago, Casey Neistat, my favorite filmmaker of all time, uploaded this this video about why he has decided to stop vlogging. Many people have complained about the end of his vlogs and I just wanted to take a quick second to admire what he was done and his reasoning for doing so. Casey says that he has decided to stop vlogging because it is no longer a creative challenge, that he has been successful and that success has become easy and familiar. His desire to always be pushed, to always be on the lookout for the next obstacle to conquer is one-of-a-kind, and is a quality that I hope to one day master myself. Anyone who thinks they have the right to complain about this is kidding themselves, this is one awesome dude who deserves nothing but applause. That is all. Good night.

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