Saturday, December 26, 2015

NYC Day 1-pt. 1

@NYC I am in you once again!!!

I love New York City. While I'm not sure that I would have wanted to grow up here, it's certainly an amazing place to visit, and considering that my mom is from here, we come up pretty often. It has become a sort of tradition for my mom and me to visit for a few days here and there in the the fall/winter, and this year we've been extra good about it. We were here just last month for my birthday and to visit NYU (not sure it's for me) and we are back yet again for an art trip! But what the hell is an art trip? 
Basically, we're just going to hit as many museums as we can before we leave on Tuesday and take in as much artwork as humanly possible.  At least that's my plan. There will hopefully be a little bit of shopping here and there, but this trip is primarily reserved for museums and culturing myself. 😊
We started off strong and upon arriving, headed straight to the hotel to drop off out bags and then walked right over to MoMA. There were a few specific exhibits that I wanted to see there but for the most part we just walked around and wandered in and out of various galleries. The two I wanted to see were the Jackson Pollock exhibition and Ocean of Images . Here is my review of the Pollock exhibit, check back tomorrow for my review on Ocean of Images and a few other exhibits!

Having recently watched the movie Pollock on HBO, (very good and very accurate, I would definitely recommend if you're in the mood for an interesting story!) there wasn't a ton of information in the exhibit that I didn't already know. However if you didn't know Pollock's life story, the exhibit did a very good job of touching on the important parts of his life and how they shaped his work over the years. Additionally, the number of pieces on display was far more than one could ever hope for. From prints to sketches, the museum went above and beyond the usual "splatter paint" works one might originally associate with Pollock and told a story about his life with extremely representative pieces. In my opinion, 9/10. It only lost a point because of the crowds and the lack of  representation of my favorite piece, Number 1 (Lavender Mist); neither of which the museum could do anything about because the first issue is caused by Christmas-time in the city which always means big crowds, and the latter is due to the fact that it is hanging in DC where I saw it last. So overall I guess it does deserve a 10/10!


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