Welcome to the new and improved Chesapeake Classic! If you've been visiting for a while you might notice a bit of a change in the color scheme of the page, but overall not much has changed (other than the fact that I'm actually blogging, um hello it's been a few months!)
However as for me, I've been toying around with the idea of blogging again for a while now, I just felt as though I could never decide on which persona to present here. So I would choose one, but then feel as though I had to alter the entire appearance of the whole website, so I would do so, but never actually post anything because I was so exhausted from redesigning the whole damn site. And then it would begin again when I was in a different mood a month later. I swear, it's a vicious cycle. Then eventually I realized that the whole point of blogging was to share yourself with the internet, not a persona. So why the insert more dramatic word here if you wish heck was I trying so hard, when honestly, the only person affected by this whole mess of a cycle was myself. So here I am. For the third time. Trying to share just myself. And just to play it on the safer side, I've created as neutral of a palette as humanly possible so as to avoid any future color rejections that I might have.
Here's to decisions. And to the future, whatever that may be over here. Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

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