Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Today in MD it was super hot and humid, so a light dress and sandals were necessary.  Happy Hump Day everyone! xx

xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

Thursday, May 21, 2015

{Workout Tips}

Happy Thursday everyone, we're almost to Memorial Day Weekend! This week has honestly flown by so quickly, it's ridiculous to think that in about two weeks I'll be taking my finals and then a junior in high school. That's insane. 
Anyway, today's post is about fitness! Mainly inspired by this video I saw of Michelle Obama on twitter yesterday, but also because crew season just ended and the time has come for me to work out on my own. Yes, feel free to shed a tear. No, it's really not that bad, I am just much more motivated to when I'm with my friends and we're actually out on the water.  Not only is crew over, but the thought of being in a bikini all summer scares the living daylights out of me, so consistently working out is pretty important right now. 
I am extremely grateful that my family has an elliptical, rowing machine, and a treadmill in the house so it's pretty easy to work out at home. My dad is also retired air force so if we need to use a gym we just go down to Walter Reed (a military base and hospital) and use theirs, they have the nicest pool. I've tried running outside, but in the humid Maryland summers I really don't see that working out too well for me. Here are a few tips for working out on your own! xx

Stay hydrated-While drinking during your workout is important, staying hydrated throughout the day is just as vital, (if not more.) I know from my own workout experiences that when I don't drink the whole day my mouth gets super dry right in the middle of my cardio, which kinda sucks. I personally like to keep a water bottle with me at all times during school to remind myself to keep drinking.

Invest in Clothing- I know a lot of people think that workout clothes are a waste because all you do is sweat in them, but I definitely recommend investing in some cute gear. It doesn't have to be expensive, but I know that I always feel more powerful when I feel good about my body and know that I look cute. Doesn't sound like much, but is a serious game-changer for me.

Get on a Schedule- Routine is key here. When transitioning from a structured, practice-every-day life into a practice-free life, it can be hard to stick with a fitness routine. That's why making a schedule is so important. If you write down when you plan to work out, the odds of actually going through with it are much higher!
*via pinterest*

What do you do to stay fit? xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

Sunday, May 17, 2015

{The Liebster Award}

Hi everyone, long time no read! Sorry it's been so long, APs were last week so I had to focus on those for a while. But now that crew season and APs are over I'm totally free to focus on blogging!

Today's post is dedicated to the Liebster Award, a really cool way of connecting lesser known bloggers! (ps thanks so much to the petite pearl for nominating me!) 
The rules are as follows:
~~ Thank and link the blogger(s) who have nominated you.
~~ Nominate about eleven (or less) bloggers with less than two hundred followers who you think deserve the award. (Don’t forget to leave links to their blogs!)
~~ Answer the eleven questions posted by the blogger(s) who nominated you, then write eleven new questions for your nominees to answer.
~~ Notify your nominees.
Happy blogging!

 My nominees are:

My questions are:
1. What is your inspiration for blogging?
2. What is your favorite instagram account?
3. What is your favorite subject in school and why?
4. Which season is your favorite and why?
5. What are your favorite shows on Netflix and why? 
6. Who is your biggest inspiration?
7. Which do you prefer, magazines or books?
8. What was the last thing you read?
9.  What is your favorite form of social media?
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
11. Which celebrity would you like to meet?

1. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
My favorite part about blogging is the ability to share any of my thoughts, pretty much at anytime I want, and have someone who I've never met before agree with me. Or even disagree, just being able to start a conversation with someone is the coolest part for me. 

2. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
This is going to make me sound like a total cheater, but if I'm going to be getting a superpower, it would have to be the ability to have any super power I wanted! There would have to be limits, like I could only use one at a time, and I would have to save the world from evil and such, but I would still want to be able to change powers. 
3. If you could meet any person– living or deceased– who would it be and why?
Fair warning- I love US history. I would have to say George Washington, mainly because I want to know how any person could have the courage to start a whole new country, rewrite the rules of government, and be unanimously elected as the first president of this brand new, craziness that was the United States. I have a million questions and it would be very entertaining to hear him speak in "ye olde english."
4. If you could travel anyplace in the, where would you most like to visit? Or, where is your favorite place you have been?
So far, the best place I've ever been is Hawaii because of how gorgeous the scenery is, and how amazing everything smells, but I am going to England, Ireland, and Scotland this summer! (hopefully I figure out some way to blog from the UK)
5. What or who inspires you the most?
This sounds so corny but my dad is probably the person who inspires me the most. He is so driven, and works incredibly hard for anything he has and at everything he does. He has more willpower than I will ever have, but still manages to make me laugh almost every single day.  
6. What is one thing you could not live without?
My laptop. (#noshame) I use my laptop almost daily and she has been with me since 7th grade. We've been through a lot together, and I will be sorry to see her go when I get a new one for college in a few years. 

7. What is your dream job?
This is a really tough one mainly because what I want to do with my life changes every few months! I guess as of right now I see myself practicing some sort of law in the DC area. I feel so lucky to live in the Washington area and love being in DC. My mom's from NY and laughs at me whenever I say that I prefer DC over NYC, but to me, it doesn't get any better than being in the heart of US history.  
8. What is the most bizarre thing you have ever done or tried?
Going through a mud obstacle course with my friends at camp. Last summer at camp for our overnight, we spent three days at this place called ACE Adventure in West Virginia and we all went through this awesome mud obstacle course! I ended up falling and hurt my ankle pretty badly, (the source of my hatred for crutches.) but I would do it again in a heartbeat. At some point you are completely submerged in a 6-foot deep mud pit, but when you do it with your best friends cheering you on, the whole experience is unbelievably fun. 
9. What is your favorite book or movie and why?
My favorite movie is the Proposal! I just love the whole Alaskan vibe you get throughout the movie (it was actually filmed in Massachusetts) and come on, Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock? I cry every time it's so funny.
10. Who are your main style icons? How would you describe your personal style?
Bess Pearson! I love all of her outfits and really identify with the vibe I get from her blog, it reminds me a lot of myself. 
I'm not really sure how to describe my personal style- I guess classic and preppy sum it up pretty well!
11. What is something interesting about yourself that someone wouldn’t guess about you?
I love photography! I am in a special program for the arts at my school and my focus area is photography. It's something I am really passionate about and love doing with all of my heart. 

xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

Friday, May 1, 2015

{Lilly x Target}

All I have to say about Lilly for Target is wow. Oh my god, the stories I've heard are insane. One of my friends told me that she had to physically shove someone within 5 minutes of the store's opening just to get the pants she wanted. And so, just like any other blogger, I feel the need to share my Target Lilly story. So here goes.
We sort of missed Lilly for Target.  On the nineteenth, I had a regatta (#crewislife) and had to drive all the way up to Philadelphia and back. So my mom and I hadn't really focused on it until around 7 AM when we both freaked out because we had forgotten. My mom went on the Target website, only to discover that everything on site was either sold out, or crashing due to the insane amount of people trying to order online. It was then that we thought we would never see Lilly x Target again. 
But, the next day my mom, (who definitely wins mom of the year by the end of this story) went to four different Targets to find what was left over or had been returned. And she found a phone case, some candle holders, and two headbands! So she kept going. From last Sunday to today, my mother has probably been to Target at least 15 times. In the past five days. If that's not dedication then I don't know what is. And all of her efforts have paid off! 
In summation, if I had to take something meaningful away from this absolutely crazy experience, it's that patience does in fact pay off. We weren't the first people in the store, fighting for that last Lilly flip-flop; but we still managed to get an amazing haul! Here are a few things that  I got! (not everything I got is pictured) 
xoxo, Chesapeake Classic