Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My Top Five Makeup Products!

Less than a week until senior year officially begins! Wow, that went by faster than I could have ever imagined. It's crazy to think that four short years ago I was gearing up to start high school! I remember freshman orientation like it was yesterday, and now I'm leading it tomorrow. That's insane.

However, as much as I hate to admit that school is staring, (or already started for some of you) we can't hide from the truth. And for me, with the purchase of fresh notebooks, brightly packaged highlighters, and clean backpacks also comes the purchase of some new makeup as the bare-faced days of camp come to a close. So I thought that this would be the perfect time to share a few of my favorites and what I find myself refilling or re-purchasing! Here they are! 

Tarte Eyeshadow Quad// I have no idea where this eyeshadow quad came from, but one day it just showed up, perfectly packaged in my bathroom! I, being the courageous adventurer that I am, dared to open it and test it out, only to find that I absolutely loved all four colors! The light, sparkly brown on the top left is the color I drift towards for daily wear, however I have been known to try out the darker, (still sparkly) brown on the bottom right for special occasions. It's super convenient for travel and extremely versatile, I only wish I could tell you where I got it! 

Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer// Funny enough, Catherine from Preppy by the Sea  did a blog post this morning on her summer favorites, and this made her list as well. I guess all bloggers think alike! While I do love this product for the summer, I use it all year round, and have been since seventh grade when I first starting wearing makeup on a regular basis. My mom had been using the regular version for ages and when it came time to buy me makeup, she discovered the oil-free version and I've been using it ever since! I've found that I go through about 2 or 3 tubes a year, depending on how often I use it over the summer and have yet to find a BB cream or lightweight foundation that works as well as this one does. As an added bonus, it has SPF 20 sunscreen! My mom's number one rule about face makeup is that it has to have some sort of SPF in it or she won't buy it for me, #palepeopleproblems, so it's a win-win in terms of coverage and protection. It's perfect for everyday use and I cannot recommend it enough, I've even gotten one or two of my friends hooked on it. 

L'OrĂ©al Butterfly Mascara (Waterproof)// During the school year I am not very picky when it comes to mascara, almost anything I can get my hands on will do. However over the summer, waterproof mascara is not a want, but a need. Between lifeguard training, the surprise thunderstorm, or the tear-jerkingly meaningful program, at camp, threats to my mascara's wellbeing are never far away. It is for those reasons and a million more that I do not get on those buses each summer without arming myself with waterproof mascara. I often gravitate to this one for a number of reasons, it holds up both in the shower and in the pool, (or lake!) it's fairly inexpensive, and makes my eyelashes look amazing! I love it and have already repurchased it this summer. 

Stilla Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner// This is another one of those products that I've been using since the seventh grade. I'm pretty sure this was the first eyeliner that I ever used, and I still ask for a new one for my birthday every single year. If that isn't a testament to how great this is, then I don't know what is. While that also may be a testament to how little my makeup skills have improved in the past 5 years, I would prefer to look past that, and focus on how spectacular this eyeliner is! It goes on evenly  and smoothly in a matter of seconds, and always looks good. Plus it follows the same protocol as my waterproof mascara, it looks amazing and stays on just as well! 

*picture from nordstrom website*

NARS Blush in Orgasm// This blush is the absolute best! I've been using it since I was ten and only wore blush to my dance recitals and it's still a favorite of mine. So much so, that I have it in both power and cream! I tend to use the stick for everyday use and the powder when I'm dressing up a bit, but that's just me, they're both fantastic. My mom and I both use NARS blushes, they go on so well and are so easy to use so as to avoid accidentally making yourself look like you fell asleep in the sun. 

What are your favorite makeup products? 
xoxo, LC

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Camp Recap

Hi everyone, long time no chat; it's been a couple of months so let's catch up! This may be a bit one sided but I'm willing to give it a try. 

How has your summer been? What have you been up to? Did you do anything interesting or meet any nice people since we last spoke? What was your favorite meal that you ate in the month of June? Have you developed a new favorite color since we had our last chat? Did you learn anything new or exciting since I left you?

Wow, that's awesome, thank you for sharing! Me? What have I been up to? Oh stop, you're too sweet. 

Well this summer, I spent seven weeks at my favorite place on earth, camp! I've been going to camp for the past eight years and this summer marked my ninth and final summer as a camper. Have no fear, I will be returning next summer as a staff member but having to say goodbye to my days as a camper at the place where I practically grew up was extremely difficult. Let's just say that I cried for hours and do not foresee any camp-related emotional stability in my near future. I had the summer of my life and as a counselor in training, or CIT, I met some amazing new people and learned so much about not only how to care for kids, but about myself as well. I also did some training as a lifeguard which was awesome and everything that I had ever dreamed it would be. I've wanted to be a camp lifeguard for as long as I can remember and actually getting the chance to shadow the lifeguards was an amazing opportunity for me.  

I loved spending the whole seven weeks rather than the short three week session that I usually attend, and it was so nice to have an extended break from not just school, but from the entire world. Camp is my safe place and second home, (click here to read my post from last summer about why I go to camp) but it is also a bubble and very isolating. I love it there and wouldn't trade these past seven weeks for anything, but I am happy and ready to be back. I need to get in the groove of things for senior year! I also have some exciting things planned for the blog so I'm stoked to get things rolling over here as well! 

I'll leave off with a few photos from this summer, until Wednesday! 

xoxo, LC