Saturday, June 27, 2015

{june favorites}

Long time no read everyone! Sorry I've been so busy, I had some personal things going on last week, so unfortunately timely blogging won't get crossed off of my summer bucket list :( However, I did get a few other things done! As of right now I have been to a pool party, made some money, and been to a baseball game! Summer so far has been treating me pretty well; and only 4 days until I am off to the UK! I wasn't sure about how blogging would go once I'm over there, but I think I'm going to be able to blog twice a week there. Anyway, here are a few things that I've been into this month!

TV Show/Suits
Seasons 1-4 available on Amazon Prime, and how could you not with these faces?

ultimate summer jam song. enough said. 

Book/Cleopatra: A Life- Stacey Schiff

Clothing Item/ Sundresses. It get pretty frickin hot in Maryland. Like 90 degrees with 70% humidity king of hot. And this year I have finally figured out how to step outside without melting, the answer to my problem lies in sundresses. Here's a link to a recent post I did about a sundress I picked up from Forever 21 for 30 dollars. (!!)

Store/This has to go to Forever 21, a store that been the the greatest provider for my Summer 2015 clothing update. For the longest time I judged Forever 21 for their cheap, super trendy clothes that I couldn't imagine even looking at someone wearing, let alone buying myself. But once I realized that it simply wasn't realistic for me to buy every single single in the J. Crew store, I hauled my judgemental butt over to the massive, two-story monstrosity that is Forever 21. And I actually found some cute, reasonably priced items! So much so, that I've been back a few times since, walking out with one or two things each time and happy that I went. So I hereby admit defeat and have become a typical teenager. Oh well, it had to happen eventually. 

What have you been into this June?
xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

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