Saturday, June 27, 2015

{june favorites}

Long time no read everyone! Sorry I've been so busy, I had some personal things going on last week, so unfortunately timely blogging won't get crossed off of my summer bucket list :( However, I did get a few other things done! As of right now I have been to a pool party, made some money, and been to a baseball game! Summer so far has been treating me pretty well; and only 4 days until I am off to the UK! I wasn't sure about how blogging would go once I'm over there, but I think I'm going to be able to blog twice a week there. Anyway, here are a few things that I've been into this month!

TV Show/Suits
Seasons 1-4 available on Amazon Prime, and how could you not with these faces?

ultimate summer jam song. enough said. 

Book/Cleopatra: A Life- Stacey Schiff

Clothing Item/ Sundresses. It get pretty frickin hot in Maryland. Like 90 degrees with 70% humidity king of hot. And this year I have finally figured out how to step outside without melting, the answer to my problem lies in sundresses. Here's a link to a recent post I did about a sundress I picked up from Forever 21 for 30 dollars. (!!)

Store/This has to go to Forever 21, a store that been the the greatest provider for my Summer 2015 clothing update. For the longest time I judged Forever 21 for their cheap, super trendy clothes that I couldn't imagine even looking at someone wearing, let alone buying myself. But once I realized that it simply wasn't realistic for me to buy every single single in the J. Crew store, I hauled my judgemental butt over to the massive, two-story monstrosity that is Forever 21. And I actually found some cute, reasonably priced items! So much so, that I've been back a few times since, walking out with one or two things each time and happy that I went. So I hereby admit defeat and have become a typical teenager. Oh well, it had to happen eventually. 

What have you been into this June?
xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

Sunday, June 14, 2015

{Summer Casual}

Happy Sunday y'all! So far summer has been pretty good to me, and it's only been 3 days. I am so excited for what's in store and can't wait to share it here on the blog! Here's a quick peek into what I might wear for a casual summer day, enjoy! xx

shirt/madewell hat/polo ralph lauren watch/michael kors

xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


In all honesty, I am never this excited for summer, but I think that because this year was so tough academically I am reeaally looking forward to a break. And I guess the fact that I am going to the UK, camp, and Disney World help :) 
Because I am so excited for summer this year I though that a summer bucket list post would be appropriate! I'll also be editing this list as I get through it, hopefully everything will be crossed off when I go back to school in August, here are the top 20 things I want to do this summer! xx

1. Go to a pool party
2. Get all of my driving hours done (lol)
3. Go to a summer brunch
4. Take a million pictures in the UK
5. Blog every Wednesday and Sunday all summer
6. Be able to run 3 miles straight! (oy)
7. Spend a day at the pool
8. Read 3 books
9. Go to a baseball game
10. Visit the National Art Gallery (again)
11. Go to Rita's
12. Catch up with long-distance friends
13. Hang out around the campfire
14. Go to a big farmer's market
15. Go camping
16. See the fireworks in Disney World
17. Make popsicles
18. Organize my room
19. Go to a summer concert
20. Hit 300 followers on instagram (!!)
21. Go to an amusement park
22. Go for a hike
23. Go out to dinner with friends
24. Make some $$
25. Stay stress free!

What do you want to do this summer?
xoxo, Chesapeake Classic

Thursday, June 4, 2015

{Summer Reading List}

I spent last summer trying to get through The Goldfinch. Eventually, I got to the finish line and it only took a year and a half. I did take frequent and elongated breaks, but that book is still a trek rather than a stroll. It was good, and definitely worth it, but this summer I hope to read more than just one book (fingers crossed.) These are the books I hope to get through by September and will attempt to review on the blog as I complete them; feel free to read along side me! xx

Cleopatra: A Life- Stacey Schiff
Chanel No. 5-Tilar J. Mazzeo 
This Town-Mark Leibovich
Boys In The Boat- Daniel James Brown
1984- George Orwell on my school's summer reading list :(

As you can probably tell, I'm taking a bit of a non-fiction route this summer. What do you plan to read this summer?
xoxo, Chesapeake Classic