Saturday, January 23, 2016

Jonas is upon us...and here's what I've done


That statement definitely deserved all capital letters because whether I did as well as I wanted to, or got as much sleep as I should have, I made it; and for that I am proud of myself. Not to mention that it was pretty touch-and-go for a while and I seriously considered dropping out of high school altogether and becoming a nun. Maybe not a nun, but I'm sure you get the point. 

Anyway that is where I've been for the past few weeks, last week was finals week and I was supposed to take the SAT this morning, (thank you @jonas for postponing that) so I've been a little busy, holed up in my room with study guides and textbooks. But I'm back now, just in time for one of the biggest blizzards Maryland has ever seen. 

So far I have been trapped in my house for almost a day. And it's getting pretty cramped in here. Not really of course, but not being able to go out has taken a toll on everyone, especially my dog who has become significantly crabbier than usual. This has effectively ruled out puppy snuggles, which I think is extremely unfair. Just thought I'd mention it. 
Furthermore, my options for things to do in the house, have grown dramatically boring. At this point I have been cordially invited to do a few of the following:
-fold laundry
-take SAT practice tests
-help shovel the driveway
-clean out my closet/room 
-read a book
So you see, as a way of avoiding the aforementioned tasks, I have comprised a list of things that I have noticed so far, as a result of being stuck inside. 

If you're trapped inside like me, then please feel free to partake in a few of the following as they have proven to be quite effective at combatting boredom. 

1// It has come to my attention that the "news teams and weather people on TV need restricted access to their thesauruses." (direct quote from my mother)
Last evening, when it was hardly misting and there were less than 2 inches of snow on the ground, the snowstorm was described as "crippling." According to the Washington Post a few days ago, the "epic blizzard" is "virtually certain to pummel the Washington area..." Those words seem a bit dramatic to me, and as of right now I have felt no cripple or pummel, but we'll see how it goes. 

2//Interstellar is the most mind-boggling movie I have ever seen.
I was literally speechless after watching a movie that took me on the longest emotional roller coaster of my entire life. I don't want to spoil anything but let's just say that there were multiple points where I actually gasped out loud and put my hand over my mouth and almost cried. I will not be sleeping soundly until I'm 124 years old. wink wink. 

3//Madewell has a great blog.
I am a firm believer in the clothes that both Madewell and J. Crew produce, but I did not know that Madewell had a blog until recently. (I think J. Crew might have one too.) They post really cool links, like this awesome personality test that I took that I feel added some serious depth into what my life is like and has the potential to be. I will be checking it out regularly and will be diligently reading up on their tips for a capsule wardrobe this weekend.

4//There is a difference between a snowstorm and a blizzard.
As I mentioned before, Jonas has practically forced boredom onto me, so I decided to do a little bit of research, (to be read as: a google search) on what actually makes a blizzard different from a snowstorm. Because why not?
According to Wikipedia:
"In the United States, the National Weather Service defines a blizzard as a severe snowstorm characterized by strong winds causing blowing snow that results in low visibilities. The difference between a blizzard and a snowstorm is the strength of the wind, not the amount of snow." -Wikipedia
I'll bet your life is significantly more fulfilling now that you know this information, you're welcome. 

5// Casey Neistat has the most interesting content on the internet.
Watch his videos, you'll be inspired to do way more than you thought possible, and learn a thing or two about being a quality human being and remaining humble. If you decide to ignore this then you might actually be a horrible person. So I suggest you check him out. 

6// I have become quite good at the board game Blokus.
For those of you who don't know what Blokus is or how to play it, I leave you with this link to the rules and regulations because I am far too lazy to type them up. 
Growing up I played with my parents all the time, and now a snowstorm blizzard isn't complete without a a few games. I used to stink, but after years of practice I have become a (self-declared) blokus master. Just so you know my stats, out of the last three games we've played, I have won two and in the last round I got rid of all of my pieces. I hate to lose, so I play with no mercy* (just ask my parents) and will continue to win for the rest of the weekend because I am absolutely unstoppable. 

*As of right now it should be noted that this snowstorm as forced me to focus in on highly unimportant things, such as, hypothetically speaking, winning a board game, and if this goes on for much longer I could possibly lose the affection of every living person in my house. Will send for help if it reach a critical point. 

7// I have seen far too many photos of Bean Boots on my instagram feed. 
I love instagram. I also love my Bean Boots. I am very aware of the fact that there is a whole lot of snow outside in a whole lot of places and Bean Boots were created for withstanding snow, but if everyone who I follow on instagram would please take a chill pill and relax with the pictures of feet in the snow, it would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time, sorry for being such a complainer. 

It is here that I leave you with some low-quality pictures of Jonas taken from the warmth of my home, as that is where I have been trapped for the past day, and will most likely remain trapped for a while. Stay warm!
xoxo, LC


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